The Root Course Overview


AWIN / Affiliate network

(We’ve helped over 100 people walk away from Porn addiction)

I’ve been there…

You’ve tried to stop looking at it, but you can’t. You know it’s wrong, but you don’t know how to stop. You tell yourself that was the last time, you’ll never do it again. This time will be different you say, but you’ve said that before… dozens, if not hundreds of times. Yet time after time, despite your best intentions, you give into the struggle, leaving you feeling powerless. Broken. Stuck. If this is you, you’re not alone. Porn is wreaking havoc in the lives of so many believers. Nearly two thirds of Christian men and a third of Christian women admit to struggling with it on a regular basis. But while this may be the statistics, it doesn’t have to be your story. God loves you and wants you to live free of porn and masturbation. And you absolutely can.

Module One – Uncovering the Root Cause

In this Module, we start from the beginning. We go to the Root of pornography addiction, uncover the Route that leads to Complete freedom, then build a Routine that keeps us walking in freedom. We will also discuss myths people have about pornography, why you need to quit porn today, triggers, and measures to keep pornography and masturbation out the door for good

Module Two – The Flow Chart of Sin

Why do we actually sin? Where does sin come from? We’ve been made to believe that sin starts at the point of Temptation. Not so. Sin actually starts way before you ever feel tempted. In this Module, we would look at the progression of sin from the point of conception till when it becomes an obvious temptation. In this module you’d see how freedom from pornography goes beyond quitting the habit to totally eradicating the desire.

Module Three – Building Strength to Overcome

Every child who ever learns to walk first records a dozen falls. It doesn’t matter how many times they fall they don’t ever give up. As long as they can see dad and mom walking, they believe that they were born to walk. So, they keep trying. In this module you will learn how to build the childlike faith and resilience you need to overcome. With every fall you build the strength to rise up and go a little further up the road to freedom.

Module Four – Victory At Last

The struggle with porn and sexual addictions can leave you emotionally battered and mentally exhausted. You might feel helpless or maybe even possessed by a force outside your control. But I’m here to show you that you are not possessed, you are God’s possession. You are not a victim. You are a warrior and you will emerge as the victor in this fight.

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