About Me

Hi there, I'm Enioluwa Odunjo

I’m an Entrepreneur with a huge passion for Product design and Growth 
I love designing thoughtful products, and experiences that people love and businesses value.
You can also find me mentoring and helping people overcome sexual addictions & the adverse effects of lust in our world

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About Enioluwa

Enioluwa Odunjo is a man of many passions. He is a multipotentialite  entrepreneur. He leads the role of Chief Technology Officer at TDR Brands. He recently founded Clientish an online platform where he teaches the rudiments of design and how to thrive as entrepreneurs. 


How to Run with a Vision

In this Episodes, i discuss What it takes to build a company from thr ground up.
And How to run with multiple stream of visions


Kennel Pride

Nigeria's No 1 Online Pet Shop


Help more people discover what you do.


Flust randomly captures screenshots of your screen and shares them with a partner, spouse, friend, pastor.

The Root Course

Experience Complete Freedom Forever

Daily Content

We turn your long videos into clips for social.

Testimonials From
The Root Course

Before this amazing course, i was tired and thought that if i ever try again, God will fail me. But through the process of recovery, I have learnt that because of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, I have a new life and identity in Him.
The Lord used The Root Course to show me how strong and loving he is, and that people can change by his power! Because of his great love, I am free from pornography
I never thought i could tell anyone about my addiction, especially “church-people.”. But not only do i have accountability partners now, i have been free from the desire to watch porn for months
Julia Michelle


Flust Podcast is here to equip you with the tips, tools and the knowledge you’ll need experience victory over an addiction to pornography and masturbation

Whether you’re trying to protect your children, safeguard your marriage, or break bad habits, Flust app can help.


Flust Podcast

Porn is wreaking havoc in the lives of so many believers. Nearly two thirds of Christian men and a third of Christian
women admit to struggling with it on a regular basis.But while this may be the statistics, The Root Course wants to change
this narative


The Root Course

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